Game Title: Botscape


Press [W] to move up

Press [S] to move down

Press [A] to move left

Press [D] to move right

Hold [SPACE] to dig

Goal: Find the escape hatch buried somewhere in the zone before your power runs out. Collect batteries to replenish your power and avoid the buried enemies waiting to be released.

Developed in TypeScript with Phaser. Established and configured using Node.JS & WebPackVersion control used: Git, GitHub.

Using NPM (Downloading and installing Node.js and npm | npm Docs (, open a terminal/command line from within the project's directory (top-level, must be where package.json is located) and execute 'npm install' to download all of the dependencies with Node.JS (Phaser, WebPack, TypeScript), then execute 'npm run development' to get the runtime to use the code and build the game in a test environment within your browser of choice locally or 'npm run distribution' to build a brand new distribution based on any local changes to the source and use the generated folder to have it hosted online.

Any questions, queries or feedback - contact me on

Source code available at KrisWooDoo/dayglow ( 

Credits to Launrence Bush (Abolla - for producing the audio for the game.

Updated 7 days ago
Published 10 days ago
Tags2D, Short, Singleplayer